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The Student News Site of McCallum High School

The Shield Online

The Student News Site of McCallum High School

The Shield Online

The Student News Site of McCallum High School

The Shield Online

Dave Winter has been advising publications since well before his current students were born. In the spring of 1993, while a floating first-year teacher at Wheeler High School in Marietta, Ga., he was asked this question: “Would you like a classroom?” After answering affirmatively without hesitation, he was told he was the new yearbook adviser. Three schools and more than two decades later, Winter is still at it. He has been at McCallum, advising newspaper and yearbook and teaching photojournalism, since 2015. For the better half of his 50 years, he has been married to his better half. He tries to avoid embarrassing his two amazing children on his social media account but occasionally fails.

David Winter, Adviser

Dave Winter has been advising publications since well before his current students were born. In the spring of 1993, while a floating first-year teacher at Wheeler High School in Marietta, Ga., he was asked this question: “Would you like a classroom?” After answering affirmatively without hesitation, he was told he was the new yearbook adviser. Three schools and more than two decades later, Winter is still at it. He has been at McCallum, advising newspaper and yearbook and teaching photojournalism, since 2015. For the better half of his 50 years, he has been married to his better half. He tries to avoid embarrassing his two amazing children on his social media account but occasionally fails.

All content by David Winter
Saturated with a consumption and consumerism, Thanksgiving has drifted from its ostensible objective—pausing to be grateful—to become something bordering on the gluttonous.

[Photo] No thanks for Thanksgiving

Shila Gill, staff reporter
November 23, 2023
Senior Kyle Davis practices clarinet in the first in-person concert band rehearsal of the year on March 2. Despite getting some at-school practice, Davis still experienced the UIL Solo Contest from home. Davis played piano, one of the three instruments he plays.

[Photo] Songs in their hearts (and on their Zooms)

Samantha Powers, co-news editor, co-copy editor
April 12, 2021
 Junior Charlize Cevallos, junior Elise Crouse, senior Avery Miller, senior Dorothy Ann Smith and senior Emma Wallace embrace during "Underwater," which kicked the second act of the second performance of  "From the Ground Up," the student-directed dance show on the outdoor stage. The piece was choreographed by senior Matthew Vargas and set to "When I Was Older" by Billie Eilish.

[Photo] Ribbon is cut on the outdoor stage

Samantha Powers, co-news editor, co-copy editor
April 7, 2021
Attendance at McCallum since the school opened for in-person instruction on Oct. 5 has been light. Classes have routinely had fewer than 10 students; most like Ms. Cerame's biology class shown here, have three or fewer.

[Photo] Campus closures start trending in Central Texas

Samantha Powers, co-news editor, co-copy editor
November 21, 2020
Coach Gabe Adame oversees weightlifting during the football program's strength and conditioning at the Mac practice fields on Aug 25.

[Photo] Destined to become a teacher

Kate Boyle, staff reporter
October 1, 2020
The Abandoned School House group works together to examine clues.

[Photo] This is no time to PANIC

Max Rhodes, web co-editor in chief
April 24, 2019
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David Winter