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The Student News Site of McCallum High School

The Shield Online

The Student News Site of McCallum High School

The Shield Online

The Student News Site of McCallum High School

The Shield Online

Ellen Fox

Ellen Fox, Co-editor in chief

Ellen Fox is a senior and a third year staff member for The Shield. This is her second year on the editorial staff, last year serving as operations manager and this year as co-editor-in-chief. As well as newspaper, Fox is involved in the swim team, PALS and writing center. Fox joined MacJ on a whim, but quickly discovered and developed her interest in reporting and writing. This year, she is excited to apply her skills to leadership, and to work with the staff to continue the superb work done in the past. Her favorite stories to write are opinion pieces and features that focus on knight life. Outside of school, Fox likes to spend time with her dogs and watching movies- if you ask her about Inception, be warned that you will be talking for at least an hour. Since quarantine, Fox has spent a lot of time in the kitchen making everything from ratatouille to rum cake. Now that school’s back in session, Fox is ready to work and looking forward to a great year.

All content by Ellen Fox
Maybe the next time Texas rooflines and street signs sprout icicles, Texans can fare a little better if we can just ask, "What would a Minnesotan do?"

[Photo] How to survive the next snowpocalpyse with ease

Amelia Qualey, editor in chief, The Lantern, Cannon Falls High School, Cannon Falls, Minn.
April 22, 2021
Senior Bridget Russo, who works at Newk's Eatery, wipes down the soda fountain during her shift.

[Photo] Life as a teenage essential worker

Lucy Marco, online co-editor in chief
March 19, 2021
We cannot support those we love if we are lost in our own feelings of sadness and loss. Those feelings are legitimate and we should  give ourselves time to feel them, but we can’t let them become our reality. Eventually, we have to let them go.

Push grief aside long enough to feel gratitude

Ellen Fox, co-editor in chief
January 28, 2021
MINDFUL MOMENT: Anna Fox practices one of James Butler’s techniques featuring mindful stretching. In the video, Butler, an AISD mindfulness and SEL specialist, explains that this stretch, called the “pretzel/crossing the mid-line,” aims to “get the right and left sides of our brain to communicate” and “releases oxytocin in our brains which helps us feel calm and happy.” The video and many others can be accessed on YouTube under the hashtag #mindfulAISD. Photo by Ellen Fox.

Hopefully #mindfulAISD is here to stay

Ellen Fox, for the editorial board
May 28, 2020
A sign at baggage claim at the LaGuardia Airport in Queens illustrates the common symptons of coronavirus so that customers can be aware of them while travelling. Photo by Mia Terminella.

Coronavirus fears affect Mac community

Ellen Fox, operations manager
March 11, 2020
KEEPING BUSY: To take a break from coding his Physics II orbital simulation, Burghart works on a smaller coding project to cure boredom and foster a creative environment. The small project is a hypothetical coin-flip statistic graph. “You just import packages that help you graph stuff, and then you get raw data by picking a random number and then assign zero to heads and one number to tails, and then percent difference is regular percent difference formula.” Burghart explains. Photo by Ellen Fox.

Senior: Coding is key to everything

Ellen Fox, operations manager
February 19, 2020
THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS: Junior Ellen Fox looks upon on a Roaring 1920s reflection of herself in the mirror. The reflection flaunts the staples of  the time period: a flapper dress, a pearl necklace, and red lipstick. In the modern 2020’s version, she wears modern equivalents; a Madewell dress, hoops, a scrunchie and Chapstick. Original photos and digital illustration by Ellen Fox.

[Photo] Resuming the Roaring ’20s

Madelynn Niles, staff reporter
December 31, 2019
Defending the rights of gun owners at the McCallum walkout in support of stronger gun control legislation on April 20, 2018, three McCallum seniors (two of them pictured here) sit  silently counter-protesting at the rally in the parking lot. “I believe in the Second Amendment since it was instituted in the beginning of this country," one of them said. "I obviously don’t believe in fully automatic weapons. They aren’t legal anyways. I’m pro-rifle, pro-gun and I’m pro Constitution.” One of the students asked to remain anonymous to protect future opportunities. Photo by Kien Johnson.

Banning guns is not the way to go

Ellen Fox, operations manager
October 22, 2019
Fad diets can be especially harmful to teens who are more at risk when it comes to the mental, social and developmental harms that come with these diets.

Fad diets are bad diets

Ellen Fox, operations manager
August 23, 2019
MEMORIES: In last semester’s Cabaret, Foster stands center singing “My Stongest Suit“ from Aida the Musical. “[Cabaret] was really great because that was when I first got to meet so many people... all the different choirs come together to put on a big show,” Foster said. Photo by Marley Angle.

Artist Profile: Marlee Foster

Ellen Fox, staff reporter
April 8, 2019
the reasons people leave aren’t always as obvious as they seem. Graphic by Sophie Ryland.

Why they left McCallum

Ellen Fox, staff reporter
March 21, 2019
Japanese teacher Toshio Nishida while in Gokayama, Toyama Prefecture, Japan. Nishida is from Japan and he describes his home country as his happy place. “It’s always really a lot of fun to go there,” Nishida said. Photo courtesty of Nishida.

Ten questions with Toshio Nishida

Ellen Fox, staff reporter
March 17, 2019
Tensions rise during warm-ups; as swimming begins students get in the zone for their swim. Region was swam at the A&M university pool in College Station.

Swimmers prepare to exit the pool

Ellen Fox, staff reporter
February 14, 2019

Austin Symphony performs at Mac

Ellen Fox, staff reporter
February 4, 2019
Sophomore film majors Ian Hackworth and Alex Martinez chat on the set of The Garden Show, the upstart AV talk show that aims to showcase McCallum’s student artists.

Artistically Speaking: Alex Martinez

Ellen Fox, staff reporter
December 13, 2018
Bodoh practices before UIL solo and ensemble 2018.

Artistically speaking: Daniela Bodoh

Ellen Fox, staff reporter
December 6, 2018
Searle, right, coached baseball last season at Lago Vista with new varsity baseball coach Brandon Grant, left. Both also coached football as shown here at the Blue-Gray Scrimmage to kick off the football season.

Searle joins Mac family

Ellen Fox, staff reporter
December 1, 2018
Portrait of Salerno-Sonnenberg by Kristin Hoe-bermann. Reposted with permission.

Pro violinist to play with orchestra

Ellen Fox, staff reporter
November 9, 2018
As he received his award, Jackson Sutton gave a speech about how much the award meant to him. On receiving the award, Sutton said that this was "a great honor" for him. Photo by Anna McClellan.

VSA honors Mac junior

Ellen Fox, staff reporter
September 18, 2018

Love #TacoShack, baby!

Ellen Fox, staff reporter
September 7, 2018
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Ellen Fox