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The Student News Site of McCallum High School

The Shield Online

The Student News Site of McCallum High School

The Shield Online

The Student News Site of McCallum High School

The Shield Online

Gabby Sherwood

All content by Gabby Sherwood
SPEAKING FOR THE TEAM: Girls basketball team captain Ruby Del Valle reads a prepared statement to Austin ISD associate superintendent of high schools Dr. Craig Shapiro at the meeting in the gym. The meeting addressed the recent controversy over the district’s decision to remove the basketball banners from the large gym on Jan. 10. The controversy centered around the hand symbol that a referee makes to indicate that a shot attempt is beyond the 3-point arc. District officials ordered the removal of the banners because of concern that the gesture has more recently been associated with white supremacy. Del Valle acknowledged that the gesture may cause hurt because of its recent “hateful use” toward minority groups but she argued that well-intentioned people should reclaim the symbol’s meaning because it has been used to indicate three points in basketball long before it took on a more sinister meaning.

NSPA Photojournalist of the Year portfolio

Gabby Sherwood, Knight senior section editor
June 19, 2020
FINDING THE MEANING OF LIFE: In Grand Hotel, senior Tosh Arora plays the role of Otto Kringlein, a sick man searching for the meaning of life. After just having a coughing fit, he is escorted to a chair where he is repeatedly asking for a room at the grand hotel, after being denied because of his Jewish faith. During this moment, Arora is singing the number “Just let my Feet Roam Free,” and about to move into a larger number of the musical. “It was an honor to play such a deep role, and it made me appreciate my life more,” Arora said, “It served as an exploration for me to understand the unique character and the gift of life.” Photo by Gabby Sherwood.

[Photo] Checking out the Grand Hotel

Alysa Spiro, staff reporter
February 26, 2020
Gibson competes in the Dripping Springs meet on Feb. 28, where she threw her personal record. On March 9, she beat her record again during the Saint Andrews meet by throwing 26’9.25.

[Photo] Taking her shot (put)

Kristen Tibbetts, staff reporter
April 11, 2019
The writers of “Pretty Lady,” the show that “42nd Street”  follows, lead the actors of the show in the number “Getting Out of Town” where they celebrate “Pretty Lady” beginning its touring run.

[Photo] Meet those dancing feet

Olivia Watts, staff reporter
March 6, 2019
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Gabby Sherwood