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The Student News Site of McCallum High School

The Shield Online

The Student News Site of McCallum High School

The Shield Online

The Student News Site of McCallum High School

The Shield Online

On this trip my two accomplices were Jeremiah Zoric (left) and Seth Wittenbrook (right). They are pictured here enjoying one of the many statues at Everman Park in Abilene Texas. Photo by Max Rhodes

A world tour around Texas

Max Rhodes, online editor in chief
May 19, 2020
The historic Hye market and post office in downtown (if you can call it that) Hye Texas.  Although over 100 years old this is still a functioning post office, as well as a restaurant. Its claim to fame is that former president Lyndon B. Johnson mailed his first letter here. Photo by Max Rhodes

Say ‘Hye’ to small towns in Texas

Max Rhodes, Online editor in chief
March 6, 2020
The historic Denton County Courthouse on the square was opened in 1895 and now serves as a museum on the history of the building and all things Denton. The courthouse is also the final resting place of John B. Denton, the founder of the town and namesake for the county. Photo by Max Rhodes

When in Denton, do as the locals do

Max Rhodes, Online editor in chief
December 10, 2019
The Florida National High Adventure Sea Base, founded by the Boy Scouts of America, is located on Lower Matecumbe Key. It is the third major high adventure, after Philmont in New Mexico and Northern Tier in Minnesota. Photo by Max Rhodes.

Hike. Canoe. Sail. Snorkel. Repeat.

Max Rhodes, online editor-in-chief
October 23, 2019
This is no time to PANIC

This is no time to PANIC

Max Rhodes, web co-editor in chief
April 24, 2019
The view from the 360 observation deck at the John Hancock Center is spectacular, 1,030 feet off the ground on the 95th floor. From that vantage point, you could see the entire city.

Rhodes Traveled: Chicago

Max Rhodes, web co-editor in chief
January 5, 2019
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