Shield captures 124 Tops in Texas newspaper awards

TAJE awards MacJournalists Kristen Tibbetts, Madison Olsen Best of the Best in Texas honors

In all the Shield won 124 Best of Texas awards and two Best of the Best of Texas medals in the 2019 TAJE Best of Texas Newspaper Competition.

Sophie Ryland, co-editor in chief

The Texas Association of Journalism Educators announced on Friday that MacJournalism had won 124 individual awards in the association’s annual Best in Texas contest for newspaper and broadcast journalism.

The contest awarded just under 900 awards certificates, TAJE director Cindy Todd said in an email to association members on Monday. Of those almost 900 winners, the contest judges selected 11 exemplary entries as Best of the Best in Texas winners. Two of those eleven, Kristen Tibbett’s editorial, “We have all been Hood-winked” and Madison Olsen’s news photograph, “They’ve had enough,” were among the Best of the Best winners.

Both MacJournalists will receive a Best of the Best medal. The 124 Best in Texas winners will receive an award certificate.

Print Newspaper Subjective Writing,

Staff Editorial, Kristen Tibbetts

Print Newspaper Photography/Artwork,

News Photo, Madison Olsen

Tops in Texas winners



Infographic Presentation, Sophie Ryland

Headline Writing, Gregory James

Headline Writing, Bella Russo

Caption Writing, Bella Russo

Caption Writing, Gabi Williams

News Story, Jazzabelle Davishines

News Story, Madelynn Niles

In-Depth News/Feature Story, Jazzabelle Davishines and Bella Russo

Sports Game Story, Gregory James

Entertainment Feature, Bela Tapperson

Personal Opinion Column, Emma Baumgardner

News Photo, Gregory James

News Photo, Madison Olsen

Editorial Cartoon, Bella Russo


Infographic Presentation, Sarah Slaten

Headline Writing, Charlie Holden

Headline Writing, Kristen Tibbetts

Caption Writing, Anna Bausman, Olivia Capochiano, Isabella Dietz, Gregory James, Kennedy Weatherby

News Story, Sophie Ryland

News-Feature Story, Emma Baumgardner and Madison Olsen

Feature Story, Sophie Ryland

In-Depth News/Feature Story, Sophie Ryland

In-Depth Package, Sophie Ryland and Gregory James

In-Depth Package, Bella Russo and Jazzabelle Davishines

Sports Game Story, Steven Tibbetts

Staff Editorial, Charlie Holden

Staff Editorial, Kristen Tibbetts

Personal Opinion Column, Diamante Diaz and Olivia Watts

Personal Opinion Column, Stella Shenkman

Personal Opinion Column, Julie Robertson

News Photo, Ian Clennan

News Photo, Lily McCormick

News Photo, Emma Baumgardner and Madison Olsen

News Photo, Madison Olsen

Sports Feature Photo, Ian Clennan

Sports Feature Photo, Anna McClellan

Editorial Cartoon, Bella Russo

Editorial Cartoon, Charlie Holden

Newsmagazine Cover Design, Madison Olsen

News Page Design, Charlie Holden

Photo Essay Page, Staff



News Story, Kristen Tibbetts and Janssen Transier

News Feature Story, Gregory James

In-Depth News/Feature Story, Sophie Ryland

Entertainment Feature, Sophia Shampton

Staff Editorial, Emma Baumgardner

Personal Opinion Column, Olivia Capochiano

News Photo, Madison Olsen

News Photo, Madison Olsen

Sports Action Photo, Annabel Winter

Sports Action Photo, Isaias Cruz

Sports Feature Photo, Gregory James

Photo Portfolio, Bella Russo

Editorial Cartoon, Bella Russo


Infographic Presentation, Sophie Ryland

Infographic Presentation, Charlie Holden

Infographic Presentation, Maddie Doran and Julie Robertson

Infographic Presentation, Sophie Ryland

Infographic Presentation, Sophie Ryland

Alternative Copy, Kelsey Tasch

Alternative Copy Maddie Doran, Julie Robertson

News Story, Jazzabelle Davishines

In-Depth Package, Laszlo King Hovis, Elisha Scott, Gregory James, Janssen Transier

Entertainment Feature Story, Sophie Ryland

Entertainment Feature Story, Gregory James

Staff Editorial, Julie Robertson

Sports Column, Steven Tibbetts

Entertainment Review, Madison Olsen

News Photo, Elisha Scott

News Photo, Bella Russo

Feature Photo, Bella Russo

Sports Action Photo, Bella Russo

Portrait, Bella Russo

Photo Portfolio, Madison Olsen

Photo Portfolio, Bella Russo

Editorial Cartoon, Charlie Holden

Original Artwork, Julie Robertson

Newsmagazine Cover Design, Julie Robertson

Feature Page Design, Mia Terminella

Photo Essay Page, Staff

Photo Essay Page, Staff

Honorable Mention


Multimedia Presentation, Aly Candelas, Madison Olsen, Sophie Ryland

Infographic Presentation, Julie Robertson

Sports Feature Story, Ez Guenther

Sports Feature Story, Kristen Tibbetts

Staff Editorial, Mia Terminella

Personal Opinion Column, Sarah Slaten

Personal Opinion Column, Zoe Hocker

Entertainment Review, Olivia Watts

News Photo, Joseph Cardenas

Feature Photo, Annabel Winter

Feature Photo, Jazzabelle Davishines

Sports Action Photo, Lindsey Plotkin

Sports Action Photo, Gregory James

Sports Feature Photo, Caleb Melville

Sports Feature Photo, Isaias Cruz

Sports Feature Photo, Bella Russo

Portrait, Katie Nalle

Photo Portfolio, Gregory James

Photo Portfolio, Annabel Winter

Original Artwork, Charlie Holden


Nameplate, Folios and Standing Heads, Zoe Hocker, Mia Terminella, Lazlo King-Hovis, Kristen Tibbetts, Kelsey Tasch

Infographic Presentation, Emma Baumgardner

Caption Writing, Bella Russo

Caption Writing, Sarah Slaten, Kristen Tibbetts, Olivia Watts

News Story, Charlie Holden

News-Feature Story, Kristen Tibbetts

In-Depth News/Feature Story, Emma Baumgardner

Sports Game Story, Steven Tibbetts

Sports Feature Story, Bella Russo

Sports Feature Story, Steven Tibbetts

Entertainment Feature Story, Jazzabelle Davishines

Personal Opinion Column, Rylie Jones

Personal Opinion Column, Sarah Slaten

Entertainment Review, Max Rhodes

News Photo, Kelsey Tasch

Sports Action Photo, Charlie Holden

Photo Portfolio, Risa Darlington Horta

Original Artwork, Charlie Holden

Original Artwork, Kelsey Tasch

Original Artwork, Madison Olsen

Editorial/Opinion Page Design, Abigail Salazar

Entertainment Page Design, Mia Terminella

Photo Essay Page, Staff