CSPA awards MacJournalism 17 Gold Circle Awards
Of 91 first-place winners nationwide, seven are from Mac; MacPhotoJ captures four ATPI awards
After McCallum beat Calallen, 20-7, to make it to the fifth round of playoffs, senior Max Perez and Coach Thomas Gammerdinger celebrate the historic win. “The feeling of winning this game is indescribable,” Perez said. “Calallen is a really good team and that win just proved to us we were just as good and better. It really showed how much our hard work paid off, and I couldn’t be happier.” This image was part of Madison’s yearbook photo portfolio that won a First Place 2019 CSPA Gold Circle Award. Gregory James’ online story about the game also won a first place Gold Circle Award. Photo by Madison Olsen.
February 2, 2019
The Columbia Scholastic Press Association announced via email on Thursday that it had awarded MacJournalism students 17 Gold Circle Awards in its annual national individual competition for yearbook and digital media staffs.
The 17 awards included seven first-place awards. The contest attracted a total of 5,309 yearbook and digital media entries submitted in 91 categories. There is only one first place winner in each category, so MacJournalism captured first place in seven of 91 categories in one of the most competitive individual scholastic journalism competitions in the country.
“I have had some pretty special staffs over the years,” adviser Dave Winter said. “I am not sure I have ever had seven first-place winners in one Gold Circle announcement until now.”
Shield co-editor in chief Sophie Ryland played in big part in MacJournalism’s success in the contest. The senior won five awards on her own and teamed up with 2018 graduate Aly Candelas for a sixth.
Madison Olsen, the only student who served on both the Shield and Knight staffs in 2017-2018, won four awards for her writing and her photography and was part of award-winning caption-writing team that also included 2018 yearbook co-editor-in-chief Elena Henderson and 2019 senior yearbook staffer Margaret Olson. Olsen won first-place in the yearbook photo portfolio category and second place in the digital media photo portfolio category.
On Friday, the day after the CSPA announcement, MacJournalism found out that it had placed four winners in the latest Association of Texas Photography Instructors Social Media Contest. Sophomore Bela Tapperson and freshmen Anna McClellan and Elly Schottman all earned honorable-mention awards for their photos that touched on the contest theme #ATPILightsOut. MacJournalism adviser Dave Winter earned a third-place award in the faculty division for his picture of Chinese lanterns in Chinatown, San Francisco.
The complete list of McCallum winners is listed below with links to the winning entries when possible.
2019 Columbia Scholastic Press Association Gold Circle Award Winners
Yearbook winners
Category 7 — Sidebar writing
First Place: Jacqueline McLellan, “Coming September 2018,” The Knight
Category 9 — Caption/cutline writing
Second Place: Elena Henderson, Madison Olsen and Margaret Olson, The Knight
Category 21 — Photo portfolio
First Place — Madison Olsen, The Knight

Digital Media winners
Category 1 — Breaking news
First Place: Madison Olsen, “Students Storm Capitol to Ask for Safer Schools,” The Shield Online
Category 4 — News feature
Certificate of Merit: Sophie Ryland, “Documentary Crew Explores Texas-Mexico Border, Considers How Trump’s Wall Would Impact Rio Grande,” The Shield Online
Category 5 — In-depth news/feature story
First Place: Sophie Ryland, “AISD: A Segregated District, Then and Now,” The Shield Online
Third Place: Sophie Ryland, “Teachers Fight for Their Right to Fair Pay,” The Shield Online
Category 7 — Personal opinion: On-campus issues
Third Place: Sophie Ryland, “We Regret to Inform You,” The Shield Online
Category 10 — Blogging
First Place: Max Rhodes, “Rhodes Traveled,” The Shield Online
Category 13 — Sports news
First Place: Gregory James, “Knights D Cages Calallen to Win Region IV Final, Extend Playoff Run,” The Shield Online
Third Place: Sophie Ryland, “Cheerleaders, Choir Join National Protest,” The Shield Online
Category 16 — General feature
Second Place: Kristen Tibbetts, “Sixteen Quinces,” The Shield Online
Category 22 — Single spot news photograph
Second Place: Madison Olsen, “Marjory Stoneman Douglas High Senior Jack Haimowitz Shares an Embrace,” The Shield Online

Category 26 — Photography Portfolio of work
Second Place: Madison Olsen, The Shield Online

Certificate of Merit: Bella Russo, The Shield Online

Junior Alexa Fannin spikes the ball between two Anderson defenders during the Knights’ 3-2 victory over the Trojans at Anderson on Friday night. Fannin, who played for Anderson last year as a sophomore, had eight of the Knights’ 51 kills for the match. Photo by Bella Russo.
Category 30 — Cartoon Portfolio of work
First Place: Charlie Holden, The Shield Online

Category 39 — Video News Package
Third Place: Aly Candelas and Sophie Ryland, “Students Storm Capitol to Ask for Safer Schools,” The Shield Online
2019 Association of Texas Photography Instructors #ATPILightsOut Social Media Contest
Honorable Mention: Anna McClellan
Honorable Mention: Anna McClellan, McCallum HS #ATPILightsOut pic.twitter.com/0bv6qUXHxc
— ATPI (@ATPI) February 1, 2019
Honorable Mention: Elly Schottman
Honorable Mention: Elly Schottman, McCallum HS #ATPILightsOut pic.twitter.com/vqLbSrnCHK
— ATPI (@ATPI) February 1, 2019
Honorable Mention: Bela Tapperson
Honorable Mention: Bela Tapperson, McCallum HS #ATPILightsOut pic.twitter.com/YebKqPtP0u
— ATPI (@ATPI) February 1, 2019
Third Place (Faculty Division): Dave Winter
And now for Faculty winners. Third Place: Dave Winter, McCallum HS#ATPILightsOut pic.twitter.com/sZBOCRygVE
— ATPI (@ATPI) February 1, 2019
Anissa Ryland • Feb 3, 2019 at 9:59 am
Way to go! Mac Journalism is amazing!