McCallum’s bowling team is preparing to strike back into action this season. Tryouts for the team will be held on Sept. 30, and practices start in early October and continue through March. Coach Randy Cannon is already eyeing some upcoming tournaments for the 2016-17 team. With five returning players, who all contributed to last year’s strong debut, Cannon is confident that the team will have an even better season.
“This year we will have most of the team returning and have the experience from last season as a learning aid,” Cannon said. “I know several of the new bowlers spent a lot of time in the bowling center over the summer improving their game. This extra effort can only help improve the team with higher scores and improved confidence.”
Cannon feels the team did well despite its inexperience, and he hopes that with a full season under it’s belt, the team will be even more competition in upcoming matches and tournaments.
“With the lack of exposure to competition comes the nerves to perform when required, and this was where we fell short last season,” Cannon said.
He also has some other goals for the team this year including forming a team that will be competitive and show good sportsmanship.
“With the talent that is committed to this season, I am looking for this team to make the regional tournament in March and possibly qualify for the state tournament,” Cannon said.
In order to reach this goal, Cannon would like the team to learn a few more advanced techniques that will take hard work but pay off in the end if the team shows dedication.
Cannon grew up participating in bowling and has been on many teams over the years. He said being involved in bowling kept him out of trouble as a teen and gave him lots of knowledge of the sport.
“Bowling has been good to me over the years, I have been many places and met many people because of the sport,” Cannon said. “If I can pass along any of what I have learned over the years to help anyone, young or old, then I feel like I am paying homage to those who dedicated their time for me.”
If you are interested in joining the bowling team, you can sign up in the gym at Coach Amaro’s office or email Coach Randy Cannon at [email protected] for more information. Try-outs will be Friday Sept 30 at Dart Bowl starting at 5 p.m. Anyone that is interested in joining the program should request a tryout form ahead of time by emailing Coach Cannon at [email protected] or by contacting with Coach Amaro on campus.
Bowlers from last years team are also selling Spirit Towels to raise money for the cost of the new jerseys and help with the general expenses of the program. The towels are selling for $15 and can be purchased from any of the members of the team.