Bell Morton checks her watch. 4:28. The shuffle of chairs begins. Pens clatter against desks. Laptops snap shut. 4:29. Backpacks zip. Small groups gather near the door. 4:30. Morton’s old gymnastics practice started. But nobody knows that. Nobody asks. For Morton, every day at McCallum High School is just a routine.
5:50—the morning starts
6:45—leave the house
7:00—track practice starts
9:05—school starts
3:15—cheer period starts
4:35—school ends
10:00—the day ends
She’s a freshman cheer flyer, but also the girl who gave up her dream.
2012—3 years old, Bell Morton’s journey begins. The gymnastics class at Crenshaw Palaestra Preschool caught her eye, and she has since proven her commitment to the sport.
6 years of going to the same gym.
5 days of training a week.
4 hours of training per day.
3rd place all-around at the state championship.
2 paths.
1 passion.
She thought the success would last forever.
Until 05/23/2024, middle school graduation.
High school starts.
Morton’s life in gymnastics crumbled. “It wasn’t that I was inspired, more that I didn’t have a choice,” she says.
5 minutes changes lives.
She had to quit because her gym offers one practice time. You can’t be late. She had to quit because other gyms cultivate talent at a young age. High school is too old to start over.
It was as if the spark in her life had diminished. Her life, the sport she was built upon was overpowered. The hours stretched. The demands piled.
5 minutes stopped her.
2025—15 years old, Bell Morton’s journey continues. The cheer team at McCallum High School caught her eye, and since she has used her skills to excel in the sport, but still she aspires to return to gymnastics, her roots.
4:35. The bell rings. Students file out the doorway. Chatter fills the halls. Morton leaves for home and prepares to do it all again, tomorrow.