We tried to decide upon a top 10 quotes overheard during the rat dissection assignment in Mr. Whiz’s class, but we just couldn’t cut the list down to 10. So here they are … the top 12 things overheard while anatomy students dissected rats.
12. “I thought this would be crispier.”
11. “Forget it. Let’s just ignore the fact that it’s a dead rat and just cut it open already.”
10. “Student A: “Look at that! Hahahaha!”
Student B: “You’re getting way too into this.”
9. “Student: “Mr.Whiz, you just laugh when you pull the skin off.”
Whiz: “I just like watching the faces.”
Student: “The rat faces or the human faces?”
Whiz: “The rats are kind of expressionless.”
8. “Student A: “Think you’ll ever look at rats the same?”
Student B: “I don’t really look at rats that often.”
Student A: “That’s true.”
7. *sneezes* “I’m allergic to dead rat!”
6. “It’s Ratatouille!”
5. “I’m in the splash zone!”
4. “Student A: “How is it?”
Student B: “Dead.”
3. “Oh, there’s so much liquid in it.”
2. “Doctor, I think the patient died.”
1. “I got rat juice all over my pen.”