Mac’s big Mac loves his kids, his school, his drums
Money Matters, accounting teacher loves his children and the school that has been his work home the past five years
Even during the pandemic, McLaughlin looks at home in the classroom that has been his work home the past five years. If it weren’t for the pandemic, McLaughlin says the present would be the best times of his life.
December 21, 2020
The Shield: What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Mike McLaughlin: It would have to be spending time with my family but also, boy, I do not want to sound horrible if I don’t say my family, but one of my favorite things to do is play drums, I got this drum kit, I actually have an electronic and acoustic kit, but I mostly play my electric kit, because nobody can hear it, so that’s about the most fun I have is playing drums, trying to figure out songs.
TS: What is your biggest fear?
McLaughlin: Oh boy, my greatest fear is something would happen to my kids.
TS: What is your current state of mind?
McLaughlin: Combination of boredom and hopefulness, that COVID-19 will end sometime soon.
TS: What is your favorite quality in a person?
McLaughlin: Absolutely it is honesty and integrity
TS: What word/phrase do you say too much?
McLaughlin: I say “Does that make sense?” way too much
TS: Are you the happiest you’ve ever been now, or is there a time in your past that you were happier in?
McLaughlin: Oh boy, I am going to answer that question as though COVID-19 weren’t happening, if COVID-19 wasn’t happening I’d say absolutely I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, especially because having been at McCallum the last five years, having been at McCallum, and just my state of my mind I would say, “Yes, I’m definitely the happiest I’ve ever been.”
TS: What is a talent you wish you had?
McLaughlin: I talked about playing drums earlier. I spent quite a lot of time doing that; I’ve played with quite a few bands. I wish I could read music, and I wish I would have started playing drums years ago when I was a kid, rather than playing sports in high school. I’d be involved in band.
TS: What is your greatest achievement?
McLaughlin: I have to say my kids. I worship my kids, and they’re great kids.
TS: Is Austin your ideal place to be or is there someplace you’d rather be?
McLaughlin: I like Austin quite a bit, but I really love it here because of McCallum High School.
TS: What is your most treasured material possession?
McLaughlin: It has got to be my drum set.