We are pleased to announce McCallum’s 20 for ’20
The yearbook staff would normally proudly announce our 2020 Who’s Who winners over the morning announcements, but since the campus is closed indefinitely, we are having to improvise
Members of the Class of 2020 strike poses for a silly picture moments after the senior panoramic picture was taken last October.
April 11, 2020
MacJournalism is pleased to announce the 2020 Who’s Who winners. Since it’s 2020, we are also referring to these winners as the 20 for ’20. In other words, these are 20 outstanding contributors to the Class of 2020 and to campus life during their time on campus as McCallum students. We list the names at the beginning of the post and their names with bios after that.
It is a longstanding McCallum tradition that the two students who earn the most points on their applications are designated as torchbearers for their graduating class. Congrats to Sam Buford and Stella Shenkman for being the torchbearers for the most outstanding Class of 2020.
Carolina Arellano
Gage Bausman
Jordan Bibby
Julia Blackmon
Lilly Brown
Sam Buford (torchbearer)
Sydney Denmon
Rose Dotson
Kyla Gibson
Sophie Knifton
Alex Lynch
Mira MacLaurin
Brooke Miller
Sara Milliken
Rocio Morones
Shaine Rozman
Owen Scales
Stella Shenkman (torchbearer)
Gabby Sherwood
Jackson Sutton
Editor’s note: We typed the list below of activities, offices and honors from handwritten applications. As the list below is a draft of what will appear in the yearbook, there may be minor mistakes that appear on this version of the list. Please bring any errors to our attention so we can correct them here and before they appear in the finished yearbook.
Carolina Arellano
- Band Major: 4 years
- Marching Band: 4 years, Roving squad leader. Awards: Area Champion, State Finalist
- Wind Ensemble: 4 years, Alto Saxophone. Awards: SA Honor Band
- TMEA Band: 2 years, District Band Member.
- UIL Solo and Ensemble: 4 years. Awards: Division 1 Solo (4 years)
- Writing Center Tutor: 2 years
- Student Council: 1 year, member
- National Honor Society: 2 years, member
- Key Club: 4 years, Co-President (1 year)
- French Club: 3 years, Vice President
- National French Exam: 2 years
- Student Leaders Abroad: 1 year
- Animal Welfare Club: 1 year, Co-Founder
- AISD Trustees Award: 3 years
- Student Leadership Math Tutor: 1 year
- Latino Academic Achievement Award: 2 years
- AP Scholar with Distinction: 3 years
Gage Bausman
- Guitar Major: 4 years, member. Awards: UIL Solo and Ensemble received 1 on class 3 solo (Freshman year), UIL Solo and Ensemble received 1 on class 2 solo (Sophomore year), UIL Solo and Ensemble received 1 on class 2 solo AND Best in the Class award (Sophomore year), UIL Solo and Ensemble received 1 on class 1 solo (Junior year), UIL State Solo and Ensemble received 1 on performance, UIL Solo and Ensemble received 1 on class 1 solo (Senior year)
- Cross Country: 3 years, Social Chairman (Junior year) and Co-Captain (Senior year).
- Track: 1 year, member
- Model UN: 4 years, PUblic Relations Char (10-11) and President (Senior year). Awards: Participant in Central Texas Model UN crisis 2019
- NHS: 3 years, Secretary. Awards: Organized Voter Registration Drive.
- Math Club: 4 years, member. Awards: 3rd in school on AMC 10 Math test (Freshman year) and 2nd in school on AMC 10 Math test (Sophomore year)
- Trivia Club: 1 year, member
- Math tutor: 2 years, tutor. Awards: 60 volunteer hours.
Jordan Bibby
- Founder of Students of Color Alliance: 2 years, President
- Founding Member of Environmental Knights: 3 years, President
- Excalibur Literary Magazine: 2 years, Editor in Chief
- McCallum Writing Center Tutor: 2 years, Peer Editor
- Fine Arts Academy Choir Member: 4 years, Publicity Officer
- Selected to represent McCallum at the Global Student Leader Summit in Milan, Italy: 1 year, July 2017
- Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) Choir Competition: 1 year. Awards: Competed and selected for Region Choir, Ranked 7th Alto in Greater Austin Area
- Peer Assistance Leadership Program (PALS): 1 year
- National Honor Society: 3 years
- National Society of High School Scholars: 2 years, Ambassador
- UIL Texas Solo Ensemble: 1 year. Awards: Scored 1 on a class 3 solo
- UIL Texas Solo Ensemble: 1 year. Awards: Scored 1 on a class 2 solo
- UIL Texas Solo Ensemble: 1 year. Awards: Scored 1 on a class 1 solo, advanced to state competition
- Austin Police Department Documentary on Relations between Teens & Cops: 1 year, selected as McCallum student Fellow
- TMEA Choir Competition: 1 year. Awards: Ranked 6th Alto in the Greater Austin Area National Festival Chorus
Julia Blackmon
- Cross Country: 1 year, Varsity
- Track: 1 year, JV. Awards: 3rd place High Jump District
- National Honors Society: 2 years, Vice president
- Performance theater major: 4 years, Mac plays/musicals-eight lead/name roles. Awards:Nominee for Best Young actress for Catch Me if You Can from Broadway World Austin
- Mac charity fashion show model, 3 years.
- Mac writing center tutor: 2 years.
- AISD Trustees Scholars Award: 4 years
- National Hispanic Merit Scholars: 2 years
- President’s Volunteer Service Gold Award for greater than 300 hours community service
- Tech Theater: 4 years
- Organized Capstone project: Senior concert night
Lilly Brown
- National Honor Society: 2 years
- National Honor Society for dance art: 3 years
- Student council: 3 years. Class vice president for 11th and 12th grade
- FAA dance major: 4 years
- FAA Ambassador: 1 year. Dance Ambassador for 12th grade
- Blue Brigade: 4 years. Social officer(10th), Jr. Lieutenant(11th), Co-Captain(12th). Awards: Best in class duet(10th), Best in Class large ensemble(Choreography by her, 11th), Division 1 solo(9th,10th,11th,12th)
- Environmental Knights: 2 years
- Key club: 1 year
- McCallum Christian Community: 3 years.
- Best Buddies: 2 years-
- EF tour to Peru, Student leaders Abroad
- Cheese Club: 1 year
- Young Life: 3 years
- Aisd Trustee Scholar: 4 years
Sam Buford (torch bearer)
- Freshman Baseball: 1 year
- JVA Baseball: 1 year
- NHS: 1 year
- Varsity Wrestling: 2 years. Captain(11th and 12th). Awards: 3rd place District Leadership award
- Varsity boy’s choir: 4 years. Section leader (10th and 11th), Boys Representative(10th and 11th), Awards: Best Bass award(12th), Region Choir (9-12), All-State 2nd chair mixed choir(12th), area choir(10th-12th)
- French Club: 2 years. Vice president(11th),President(12th). Top French Student, National French Exam gold(9-12th)
- Motocross club: 1 year
- Classical Guitar:4 years- Chamber -11th-12th, Beginner-9th, Advanced-10th. Senior quartet/premier quartet 11th-12th. Awards: Region guitar(11th), MVP(10th-11)
- Choir solo and ensemble: 1 year. Awards: State Qualified(11th)
- Guitar solo and ensemble: 3 years. Awards: Gold at State(10th), State qualified(10th-12th)
- Writing center: 2 years
- Student council: 2 years. Class rep(11th-12th), Student body Treasurer(12th)
- Texas Boys State(Nominated as sole student from McCallum): 1 year. Press Corps
- National Merit Finalist: 1 year. AP Scholar Award(11th), Trustees Award (9th-12th)
- First Edition-Choir select ensemble: 3 years
Sydney Denmon
- AVID and AVID stuco: 4 years. Vice President(1 yr)
- Tennis: 2 years
- Chess club: 1 year
- McCallum Christian club: 1 year
- Environmental Knights: 1 year
- Student council:4 years. Representative
- Student leadership:1 year
- Track Manager: 1 year. Awards: Certificate of recognition
- Dr. Cruz Roundtable talk: 1 year
- P.A.L.S: 1 year
- Steel Drums: 1 year
Rose Dotson
- JV Cross Country: 1 year.
- Varsity Cross Country: 1.5 years
- Varsity Girls Track: 2 years. 400m, 800m, 1 mile, and 2 mile. Awards: Track area qualifier for 2 mile(10th), Uil 3rd place in 1600 meter/1 mile(10th), UIL 2nd place in 3200 meter/2 mile(10th)
- Key club member: 4 years. Co-president(1 year) and fundraiser organizer
- Visual art major:4 years. Awards: Gold medal and score of 4 at VASE (all 4 years)
- Best Buddies: 1 year
- Environmental Knights member: 2 years
- Virtual Reality Club member:1 year
- Varsity Bowling team girls: 2 years. Captain(2 years) Awards: AISD winners all district regional,Highest personal average, Area winner, Regional attendee participant
- P.A.L.S: 2 years. Hygiene drive chair, PALS conference rep,Pink week
- Mac landscaping volunteer:4 years
- Mac fashion show volunteer: 4 years
- AISD SEL Conference Symposium volunteer. Awards: Rec letter from affiliator
Kyla Gibson
- AVID: 3 years. Student Representative
- AVID Student Council: 2 years. AVID secretary(2 Years)
- Campus Student Leader: 1 year. Student Representative
- McCallum Students of Color Alliance(Mac-SOCA):1 year. Student representative
- National Honors Society:2 years. Student Representative. Awards: Inducted into program to keying ceremony
- PALS:2 years. Student Representative
- Sports Medicine: 2 years. Student Assistant. Awards: CPR certified
- Student Council: 3 years
- Student Innovation in Curriculum Committee(S.I.C.C): 2 years. Student leader/Representative
- Track and field: 3 years.Student Athlete. Awards: 6th place in Discus at AISD Track meet
- Volleyball: 2 years. Student Athlete/Manager. Awards: Most improved player
Sophie Knifton
- Performance Theatre Major: 4 years, Treasurer (12th), RCP Officer (11-12). Awards: All Star Cast 5A UIL One Act Competition (9th), AISD Trustee’s Award, 4 years.
- Writing Center: 2 years
- National Honor Society: 2 years, President (12th), member (9-12). Awards:
- Award: 3rd place American Mathematics (10th), Homecoming Duchess (10th)
- Excalibur: 2 years, Editor in Chief (12th), Social Media team (11th)
- Fashion Show: 3 years, Model (10-12)
- (EF) Community Development in Peru’s Mountain Villages: 1 year
- (EF) China, Beijing, Xi’an and Shanghai: 1 year
- Key Club: 2 years
- Volleyball: 2 years, Junior Varsity (10th), Freshman A (9th)
- Track: 2 years, Varsity (10th), Junior Varsity (9th)
- Jewish Student Alliance: 1 year
- MAC Student Leaders: 1 year
Alex Lynch
- Swim Team: 4 years. Awards: 2nd Place 100 breaststroke 5A State Championship, 4th place 200 IM, 5th place 100 Breaststroke. Swim team MVP, 2017, 2018. UIL first team, all-state, 201-2020, 2018-2019; second team, 2017-2018, 2016-2017. National High School Coaches Association Academic All-American.
- PALS:2 years
- NHS: 2 years.
- Student Leaders Abroad Peru. Awards: Peru’s Challenge
- Statesman All-Central Texas swim team (2020).
Mira MacLaurin
- Yearbook: 3 years. Organizations Editor, Editor-in-Chief
- Lacrosse: 3 years
- Student Council: 2 years. Student Body President(1 year)
- NHS: 2 years
- PALS: 2 years
- Fashion Show: 2 years
- Knights of Steel: 2 years
Brooke Miller
- Visual Arts major: 3 years. Awards: Silver medal at VASE(10th)
- Fashion show Intern: 1 year
- Fashion show Junior director: 1 year
- Fashion show Senior director: 1 year
- Cheerleading: 2 years. Awards: Spirit Stick(11th and 12th), Spirit Banana(11th),Cheerleader of the year(11th)
- PALS:1 year
- Visual Arts ambassador: 1 year
- Student leader:1 year
- Fashion show designer: 1 year
Sara Milliken
- Fine Arts Academy Visual Arts Major: 4 years. Awards: Scholastic Art and Writing Awards- Honorable Mention(2018),Honorable Mention Portfolio(2020), 4 time Silver Key Recipient(2018 & 2019), UIL VASE State Finalist(2019), McCallum Spring Show Featured Artist(2019)
- Fine Arts Academy Ambassador:1 year
- Student Coundil: 2 years. Morning Announcer(2019-2020)
- Varsity Cheerleading: 2 years. Social Officer(2018-2019). Awards: UCA 2nd place Varsity Sideline Routine
- National Art Society: 4 years. Junior Officer(2018-2019), Senior Officer(2018-2019)
- Best Buddies Peer Leader: 2 years
- National Honor Society: 2 years
- Spring Musical West Side Story(Dance Ensemble): 1 year. Awards: Featured Dancer(2018)
- McCallum Benefit Fashion Show Model: 1 year
- Varsity Choir: 1 year. Awards: Rating 1 at UIL Solo and Ensemble
- French Club: 1 year. Awards: National Language Honor Society Member (2016-2017)
- AISD Trustee Scholar:3 years
- Dean’s Scholar Award: 3 years
- National Merit Commended Student: 1 year
Rocio Morones
- AVID: 4 years.
- AVID Student Council: 4 years. Representative(9th and 10th), Treasurer(11th), President(12th). Awards: Highest GPA
- Blue Brigade: 3 years.
- PALS: 1 year.
- NHS: 2 years.
- Mac Student Council:3 years.
- Animal Welfare Club: 1 year.
Shaine Rozman
- Fashion Show: 2 years. Awards: 3rd Place(11th), 2nd place(12th)
- Student Council: 4 years. Secretary(9th).
- Volleyball:4 years. Captain(12th). Awards: Academic All District(11th and 12th), Won Community Service Scholarship(12th)
- Ceramics:4 years.
- Photography: 1 year
Owen Scales
- Acting Major McCallum Fine Arts Academy: 4 years. Awards: GAHSMTA Nominee.
- Trustees Scholar Award:4 years.
- Cyrano the Musical:1 year. Played Christian de Nuevillete(9th)
- Me and My Girl:1 year. Dance Captain(9th)
- Catch Me If You Can: 1 year. Dance Captain(10th)
- West Side Story: 1 year. Played Pepe/Pas de Deaux(10th)
- 42nd Street: 1 year. Andy Lee/Assistant Choreographer/ Dance Captain. (11th)Awards: GAHSTMA for Best Choreo, GAHSTMA nomination for best featured performer
- Jekyll and Hyde:1 year(12th)
- Grand Hotel:1 year. Associate Choreographer(12th)
- PALS:2 years.
- NHS:2 years..
- African American Heritage Award:4 years
Stella Shenkman (torch bearer)
- Technical Theater: 4 years. Cyrano: Scenic crew, Me and My Girl: Asst. Stage Manager, 44 plays: sound head,Animal Farm: Sound head, Starmites: Technical Director, 42nd Street: Sound head, Jekyll and Hyde: Techinical Director, West Side Story: Sound Head, Scene Head, Catch Me If You Can: Sound Head, Choir Cabaret: Stage Manager(4 years), Mac Dance Shows(2-3 per year): Stage Manager+Head of Sound(4 years). RCP officer/Secretary(11th and 12th), Student Facilities Manager(2017-2018), done over 50 special events & mainstage productions. Awards: Me and My Girl: Technical Execution Award, West Side Story: Technical Execution Nomination, 42nd Street: Technical Execution Nomination, Best Sound Head:(9th,10th,11th), MAC CIE award
- MacJournalism: 1 year. Editor(11th), Created/Hosted 2 podcasts, Published 2 stories, over 200 photos taken for Mac Media sources. Awards: TAJE Award(2x), NSPA 2nd place Portfolio Award(Multimedia), Best of SNO(9x)
- Film/Mac A/V:3 years. Peacetones: “Stella Spearheaded a climate change project through McCallum AV, beginning a club of 8 students in researching and preparing for their trip to Zambia in June 2020 to shoot a documentary and acted as General Manager(2018-2020)z Micro-Moon: “Company created within Mac AV where Stella Co-Produced lice music fundraisers”,AV Leaders student officer: Position held 10th,11th,and 12th. Directed and produeced “Control” film(2018), “Her” Film(2020), and “Noir De Luxure” film(2017). Awards: won Best Noir Award for “Oh Olivia” (Sound designer), A/V Banquet host(2019-2020), Mac Cinematic Arts Summercamp: Head councelor and organizer
- Student Council: 1 year. Trash Pickups, Homecoming setup, Prom work, Raising money
- Student Facilities Manager:”Hosted tours for possible vendors looking at FABT/Mac Theaters, Handled schedules for Mac/FABT theater(2018-2019) including communication with outside vendors and Mac activities”, “Created inventproes and technical handbook for vendors using theaters.”
- Service Projects: Princess Tea Party(9th-12th): Hosting and Acting to raise moent for MacTheater and Ronald McDonald. Zambia Fund: Raising money through Mac A/V to send to film students in Zambia film equipment
- Fine Arts Academy: 4 years. FAA Academy week(11th and 12th) and shop showcases, Assited with FAA auditions and interviews,
Gabby Sherwood
- Yearbook:2 years. Senior Selection Editor(12th). Awards: SIPA Social Media Contest-1st place(Instagram Slideshow), TAJE-Excellent(sports, action, photo),2nd place TAJE-Superior(student life story), ILPC 2018-2019 Current Yearbook Individual Achievement Award, TAJE-Honorable mention(sports feature photo)
- Track: 4 years. Varsity(10th-12th)
- Cross country:2 years. Varsity girls captain(12th)
- Visual arts major:4 years. Awards: State Vase(9th), Silver Key Award,Scholastic Art Comp.(won twice), Gold Key Scholastics
- Basketball:2 years
- National Honors Society:2 years
- Running Club:1 year. Founder
Jackson Sutton
- Austin Regional Japanese Speech: 1 year. Awards: 1st place award,
- State Japanese Speech contest participants representing AISD:2 years
- State of Texas Disability Artist of the year: 1 year
- National Honor Society: 3 years
- National Art Honor Society: 3 years.
- VASE art contest: 4 years. Awards:State UIL Perfect Score
- Professional Representation-SAGE art gallery:2 years
Barbara Miller • Apr 12, 2020 at 3:46 pm
I am so proud of you, Jackson. I have followed your amazing life for years. I have great admiration for your many gifts and the way you use them in your life. You also have a wonderful family who love you and find people to be your support team.
Graduation is a life passage and you did it YOUR way. So many others can learn from your example of hard work and determination.
Barbara Miller, Austin