Your questions. Principal Hosack’s answers.
We couldn’t get to all of your questions in the last podcast so we asked Ms. Hosack your questions here (even the personal ones)
She taught chemistry classes in December, and today she’s answering your questions about the rest of the school year. Photo by Dave Winter.
March 26, 2020
We had a great interview with Ms. Hosack yesterday, but we didn’t get to all of your questions, so we asked if she could answer them in a Q&A interview so you could get your answers. Thankfully, she obliged. Your questions and her answers are dutifully reported below.
You: Is it possible that we will be out of school for the rest of the year? (Four people asked this.)
Hosack: Anything is possible at this point. We have to watch the trend of the pandemic in our city & state. As long as we are on the incline with the number of people infected, I expect closure.
You: By what means will we be doing schooling online if it is the case and how will we be notified of it?
Hosack: Teachers will still deliver course content (although very pared down) via BLEND. Check your BLEND platform for updates and messages from teachers.
You: How will the grading period be affected?
Hosack: There will be some adjustments made. We are working through those details right now. I’ll get that information out to you all as soon as it’s official.
You: If we move to online learning, what will happen to people who are doing Delta and Odyssey-ware?
Hosack: Students in DELTA can/should continue to work on their courses. You should be doing this now!
You: If seniors don’t get to walk in May, will they be able to walk in the summer? Like June or August?
Hosack: If we have to cancel graduation, I feel confident that the district will develop a plan to reschedule at a later date.
You: What have you been doing to pass the time?
Hosack: I’ve been crazy busy! I get on my first conference call or zoom meeting at 8:15 a.m. every morning and go until about 8 p.m. each night with working on plans for online learning. I’m just as busy as usual these days!
You: How will the grading period finish out? I’m asking regarding late work, make-up work (such as quizzes and tests) as well as in-class assignments that some students may have grades for while others may not. Will the opportunity to come in and make up those assignments arise or will the current six weeks grades be redone entirely online?
Hosack: Similar to question above: we (high school principals) are working on grading policies/parameters right now. We have to get superintendent and school board approval, so it takes some time. I will push this information out as soon as it’s finalized. I assure you that part of the plan is to grant students the opportunity to go back and work on previous assignments.
You: We miss school. Please take us back or something.
Hosack: Same. I want to go back, too!
You: Will each teacher be reaching out to their own class?
Hosack: You should hear from your teachers, yes. Most of them will use BLEND to communicate.
You: How about people with lockers? How can we get our stuff? Also how about tutoring hours for majors?
Hosack: Nobody can access the building right now. There won’t be access at least until the city’s shelter ordinance is lifted. Ms. Ramsay is working on policies for Fine Arts majors.
You: How will finals work if we don’t go back to school?
Hosack: Working on that. I should be able to speak to that when grading policy comes out next week.
You: I don’t have Internet at my house.
Hosack: Please fill out the technology survey so we can help.
You: What’s your favorite music?
Hosack: Hardest question of the bunch – I like many genres. My Spotify is totally a mixed basket. Depends on the day/mood.