It’s time for Who’s Who yearbook applications
Seniors: we want to honor the seniors most involved in school activities. To do so, we need your help.
Jack Switzer was one of three 2018 seniors named as Who’s Who torchbearers.
February 17, 2019
The yearbook staff is now accepting applications to determine the Class of 2019 Who’s Who. The Who’s Who page in the yearbook recognizes those seniors who have been most involved in school activities during their careers at McCallum. If you would like to be considered for Who’s Who, please come by Room 134 and get an application form or you can download one here. The forms are due back in Room 134 by Friday March 1.
If you have been involved in multiple activities at Mac, please apply so that your service and hard work can be recognized in the 2019 yearbook. All of us at MacJournalism would like for the Who’s Who list to reflect all of the wonderful programs at the school and the seniors who have been integral our school’s success over the last four years.
To download the application, click here.
To see the Class of 2018 Who’s Who winners, please see below.