AISD police monitoring reports of second threat
After one threat leads to morning lockdown, arrest, students receive reports of a second threat this evening
In his letter to families and staff, principal Mike Garrison urged anyone with information or concerns about the alleged threat to contact the AISD Police Department.
February 13, 2019
This morning before school started, McCallum was briefly on lockdown after reports that a student made a series of written and verbal terroristic threats to harm the school.
After police located and arrested the student, the school day began normally and principal Mike Garrison sent out a letter communicating what happened and stressing that any threats would be taken seriously and might lead to disciplinary action or arrest.
After reports of the first threat and subsequent arrest, students began receiving and disseminating social media posts describing a second alleged threat to the school by a friend of the student arrested in conjunction with the initial threat.
As a response, Mr. Garrison has issued a second letter to all parents and faculty addressing the rumors around the second alleged threats.
“Austin ISD police are continuing to monitor the posts.” Garrison wrote. “At this time, there is no danger to our campus, staff, or students. Out of an abundance of caution, however, we will have additional AISD police officers on campus tomorrow morning.”
The Austin Police Department is still investigating the credibility of reports of these most recent threats.
An Austin ISD police officer told MacJournalism this evening that they are working to investigate the credibility of reported threats by following up on all ledes.
Garrison urged anyone with any information or concerns regarding tonight’s posts to contact AISD police at 512-414-1703.