The Shield: What has been the best volleyball game this season?
Charliee Arnold: I want to say for me, it would be against Ann Richards. It was just a hard game for us.
What has been the hardest game to push through this season?
Austin High. When we go to their home, it’s so hard to get into our zone.
What is your number and what is the significance of it?
My number is 7. It is a pretty important to me because my dad died when I was 7 in the year 2007.
What position do you play?
I’ve played setter, middle, right side and outside this season.
What have been some of the biggest differences between this years team and last years team?
Last season we had a lot of seniors on the team, so we had a lot of vets. This season we have a lot of new players coming up from JV and freshman.

So how is that going?
It’s been a learning process, but we are starting to get the hang of how to play together.
How have you guys already improved over this season?
We are definitely more confident than I thought we would be. We aren’t scared of anybody. We take L’s sometimes, but we always learn from them.
Has your team had any struggles this season? How have you overcome them?

We haven’t really had too many struggles this season. Although we did start off this season with a lot of losses and a little drama, once district started all of that kind of went away, and we have just been focusing on playing the best we can.
How do you get in your zone when you are about to play a game?
I get really lit by listening to music, and I just eat and I think about the good stuff. Oh! And I also watch men’s volleyball.
What is the biggest difference between men’s volleyball and women’s volleyball?
Men are so naturally strong, so there is never a rally in volleyball. Watching women’s volleyball is kind of just like watching high school volleyball.
What are some of your upcoming games and which one are you most nervous for?
I’m pretty nervous for Ann Richards on Tuesday, and it’s also Senior Night. We went in confident last game and then lost.
What are you hoping for for your senior season?
I am hoping for a dub in playoffs and a bid from a college.
Which colleges are you looking into?
Anything honestly, just someone throw me an offer over here. But, I have a tryout this upcoming month for Temple College.
How are you feeling about those?
I’m feeling kind of nervous, but I know what I can do.