If there’s a foul stench in the air, blame it on the PALS.
The McCallum Peer Accepting Learning and Sharing program participated in a fundraiser called the Shower Strike during the week of April 22. During the fundraiser, the PALS and their sponsor Richard Cowles went without showering to raise money for Well Aware.

Well Aware is a nonprofit based in Austin, whose goal is to provide accessible, clean water sources to communities in Africa, mainly in Kenya and Uganda. On average, Well Aware can provide lasting clean water to one person for $10. Since its founding, Well Aware has funded more than 27 water projects and provided clean water to more than 100,000 people.
Senior PAL Adrian Zabka said the strike was an eye-opening experience to how much water people waste every day.
“It really helps you realize just how much water you waste,” Zabka said. “There are millions of people around the world who don’t have easy access to clean water, and with our infinite privilege, we waste so infinitely.”
The PALS were not the only ones participating in the shower strike. MacJournalism adviser Dave Winter participated in a full shower strike, setting up his own donation page on the Well Aware website. He originally set his goal at $500, but by the end of the week Winter collected more than $700. Geography teacher Katie Carrasco also participated in the week long strike.
“We talk a lot about water shortage and conservation in my Pre-AP geography classes,” Carrasco said, “and it’s important to me to continue to raise awareness.”
Zabka said that doing the strike brought all of the PALS closer together.
“It’s pretty uniting to go without showering and minimal bathing with a group of students for an entire week,” Zabka said.
Students were given five-gallon buckets for this project for bathing and collecting donations. Throughout the week, PALS carried their buckets around and collected $4,061.
“This makes us so much more aware,” said senior PAL Atley Brown. “It makes our community more aware, too.”
Cowles says he thinks this was a great year, as PALS incorporated the entire McCallum community. He looks forward to next year’s strike.