The lights beamed down on the mat as the room echoed with hollers and cheers. This was the real deal.
Stephanie Lawless is about to go on for her final nationals of her cheerleading career.
She panics, does she have everything she needs? Ponytail, check, bow, check, lipstick, check, shoes tied,
check. She was ready.
Lenape Valley High School had been preparing for this all year.
This is it, their chance, her chance.
They had a reputation, they couldn’t ruin it now, not after all this work.
She ran out onto the floor, giving it all the energy she had. She pasted the biggest smile onto her face and cheered as loud as she could. She hit her beginning position, as the point of the formation.
The room went silent, everyone anticipating what was about to happen.
The music begins, the room feels like it is vibrating. She begins with a standing back tuck, by herself.
Then everyone joined in for a second and third.
Phew she hit it.
Next it was time for the dance, she brought all the sass she had. Now for the moment of truth, it is time for the pyramid. She rushes to her position as back spot, making sure the flyer is safe in the air.
So far, so good.
The routine continued, more tumbling and chants.
Then the music stopped, she had done it.
She ran off stage overjoyed, it went so well.
“That was amazing! Let’s go Pats!”
Or so she had thought
She looks over to congratulate her teammates and everyone is hysterical, had she missed something?
Everything that she was not a part of went wrong. Stunts fell, check, tripped while tumbling, check, pyramid collapsed, check, out of bounds, check.
Everything they had worked for, gone, just like that.
Their senior year, their final nationals, all for nothing.