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‘Future looks rosy’ for seniors as Shield staff crystal gazes

A look at the future plans and achievements of the class of ’57
Don Tew, Penny Adams, and Judy Greenwald admire the loving cup Penny won for being the "best senior" in the Knight band for 1956-57. Don and Judy were announced as the group's "best serfs" at the band banquet, May 21. New officers announced at the banquet include Jeff Rampy, president; Jimmy Shafer, vice-president; Mary Magee, secretary; Paul Crider, Bennie Engelke, and Jimmy Rash, managers; Lynette Causey and Linda Wells, librarians, and Leon Graham, publicity chairman. Caption by unknown student.
Don Tew, Penny Adams, and Judy Greenwald admire the loving cup Penny won for being the “best senior” in the Knight band for 1956-57. Don and Judy were announced as the group’s “best serfs” at the band banquet, May 21. New officers announced at the banquet include Jeff Rampy, president; Jimmy Shafer, vice-president; Mary Magee, secretary; Paul Crider, Bennie Engelke, and Jimmy Rash, managers; Lynette Causey and Linda Wells, librarians, and Leon Graham, publicity chairman. Caption by unknown student.
unknown student

Melinda Adams, a geographer, is finding her movements from school to school furnished her an excellent background for her profession.

Penny Adams has set a flagpole sitting record of 25 hours, 13 minutes. During that time she played a bassoon without stopping for more than five minutes.

Don Lee Adelman is serving hot dogs to weary Shield members at his stand on Guam.

Being chief bookkeeper of a large company takes the most of Johnnie Allmanś time, but she manages to find some time at home for working on her handicraft.

Barbara Anderson has now received “Best Elementary Teacher of the Year Award” for three consecutive years.

Charles Arnold is an oil pumper; he decided a dentist’s drill was not profitable enough.

Ann Baldwin is a top rate model at Macy’s earning $150 an hour.

“Boots” Barnes, a housewife, is completing her latest cookbook which will go on the market the first of next year.

Stanley Barnes is president of the Falstaff Brewing Company.

Barbara Baxter is married and has four sets of triplets.

Judy Bay is living in Japan with her husband who is the current emperor.

Joe Behrens is a famous accounting engineer.

Dawn Berah is noted for swimming the English Channel wearing an ermine bathing suit borrows from Terry Moore.

La Nell Betke has been elected national president of the Mouseketeers and will be awarded a week’s vacation at Disneyland.

Not only has Joy Bigham become well-known in the modeling field, but she is also the wife of a prominent architect.

General Arnold Birdsong at this time cannot be contacted. He’s leading a field maneuver for the artillery division of the Wacs.

Earle Bishop has just received a silver box studded with diamonds. It’s very functional purpose is to hold the odds and ends of pictures that she collects while working on the Cactus.

Mary Bobo is a passenger on the first commercial flight to the moon.

Raymond Bohls is now the distinguished head of one of the science departments at MIT. He has a wife and six girls, but even with all of his scientific knowledge he can’t figure them out no matter what formula he uses.

Donna Bonds is making a name for herself in show business and is currently starred in the Broadway musical Fancy Free.

Marie Braddock is now busy caring for “thousands of kids.” (She is in charge of an orphanage.)

Jan Bradley is married to a former A.&M. student. She also is a secretary for the head of a large oil firm.

Dr. Bill Brewer is spending alternate weeks in Santa Fe, New Mexico and Gulfport, Mississippi. In his spare time Bill is teaching fielding tactics to a little league baseball team.

Having completed her APHT (art of putting hubby through) at the University of Texas, Barbara Brill can be found on Lake Travis teaching her little electrical engineers how to water ski.

The former Miss Judy Browning is now a private secretary to Brown’s Bounding Bottle Blowers Foundation.

Allan Brune, graduate of the University of Texas school of engineering, often finds relaxation in target shooting on Saturday afternoons.

Commercial artist Don Burch, was found strumming his guitar in the backyard of his Austin home. For recreation Don is Troop Master of Troop 481.

After fighting autograph seekers, Shield members found Morris Burns, popular NBC Master of Ceremonies, buying a 1967 Thunderbird.

Robert Burt, wildlife assistant for Walt Disney, was found hunting for a Japanese beetle for the very popular Disneyland program.

This article was published in The Shield on May 31, 1957.

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