During the first faculty meeting of the school year, principal Nicole Griffith welcomes new social studies teachers Jennifer Richter and Catherine O’Neal.
New school year brings mix of young, veteran teachers
Not immune to the nationwide teacher exodus, Maculty contains lots of new faces in unfamiliar places
For a variety of reasons, many teachers left McCallum to pursue other opportunities at the end of the 2021-2022 school year. Part of a nationwide teacher exodus, Austin ISD, like many other school districts, faced an acute teacher shortage. By the end of the school year, many students were anxious that their fall classes might not have teachers. Principal Griffith was not going to let that happen. She recruited hard over the summer and restocked the faculty with new faces. The unusual turnover gave many teachers the opportunity to teach at a school that normally doesn’t have as many opportunities as it did heading into this school year.
We are pleased to introduce some of McCallum’s new teachers to you in this week’s Tuesday Top 10. We will continue to add to this gallery so check back from time to time to see more new teachers featured here.