Thea Krische

Senior orchestra major, state violinist and concertmaster Thea Krische is all-in on music. Next year she plans to continue her career by getting a degree in music education at the Jacob’s School of Music at Indiana University.
“I didn’t realize until recently that it was the right school for me,” Krische said. “I didn’t know a lot about Indiana University until I started seriously considering music, but they’ve got a really famous music school. It’s the biggest one in the country.”
Next year Krische will be expanding her musical knowledge by studying orchestral music, not just the violin. She’ll be learning the, viola, cello, double bass and how to conduct, as well as how to teach music.
“I started playing the violin in sixth grade,” Krische said. “That’s actually one of the reasons I want to go into music education; it just did so much for me.”
There was a time when Krische was unsure if music was the path she wanted to travel.
“When I was in middle school, I really wanted to go into music,” Krische said. “But then I went into a period of doubt. I knew it wouldn’t make a lot. But ultimately I realized that it’s what I really love doing, and that’s more important than making a lot of money.”
Krische is overjoyed for the experiences that await her.
“I’m looking forward to [my future opportunities] a lot,” Krische said. “Like learning all these new instruments and just being surrounded by a huge community of fellow musicians.”
During the past four years, Krische has also participated in Student Council, NHS, archery and French Club. Although she is ready to leave McCallum, there is a lot Krische is going to miss, including her family, the orchestra directors and the overall feel of the school itself.
“McCallum has a really unique culture in the way that it’s so accepting,” Krische said. “You can be who you want to be, and I feel like that judgment-free environment is not something that’s super common in other places. I don’t know what the environment is going to be like at my college next year, but I can hope it’s like how it is here. And if it’s not, I’m just going to bring the McCallum inside me with me.”
Orchestra Major (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th), Super Junior Award (11th), 16 perfect scores in solo and ensemble competitions (10 solo, 6 ensemble), Region Orchestra (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th), All-City Orchestra (11th, 12th), State Orchestra (10th, 11th), Concertmaster, Section Leader of Freshman and Chamber Orchestra, Orchestra Student Council President (12th)
NHS (11th, 12th)
Archery (11th, 12th)
French Club (12th)