Marina Garfield

Marina Garfield

Being an artist has given Marina Garfield a new perspective on her surroundings.

“I can see the world through a more artistic lens and understand the composition of things,” Garfield said. “It’s really allowed me to appreciate the effort and time behind things that aren’t even related to art.”

Garfield’s broader understanding of the value of hard work seemingly propelled her academic career—and landed her at UT Austin, where she will double major in psychology and plan II. Garfield was drawn to psychology by the vast possibilities and options that follow a degree in the study of the human mind.  “I’m a people watcher. I like observing people’s habits and trying to understand what makes them tick,” Garfield said. “Psychology is so applicable that I can go into almost any career field, and I found that really attractive.” 

Despite her excitement to move on to the next phase of her life, Garfield is still reminiscent of the highlights of her time at McCallum. Not only is Garfield a PAL, visual arts major, and fine arts academy ambassador, but she was also recognized as a 2022 national medalist by Scholastic Arts and Writing. Her embroidered piece called “We All Bleed The Same” earned a silver medal. “It gave me encouragement to continue pursuing this vision and theme that I’ve developed in my artwork,” Garfield said. “It was definitely one of the things I’m most proud of in high school.”

Caption by Caroline Owen. Photo courtesy of Marina Garfield

Student Leadership Team (10th, 11th, 12th), SLT recruitment team (12th)

PALS (11th, 12th)

Academy Ambassador – Visual Arts (12th)

Visual Arts Major (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)

National silver medal in mixed media (12th), State level in the Visual Arts Scholastic Event (9th, 10th ,11th)

National Honor Society (11th, 12th)

National Art Honor Society (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)

Writing Center Tutor (12th)


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